It’s great that you were part of the first virtual Web Analytics Wednesday. Here are the promised links:
- My current book Introduction to Web Analysis, best to buy directly from the publisher+ or on Amazon+
- My mailing list, I rarely write, for example when I’ve written a new book
- The original article about analyzing and plotting corona data with R
- The link to R
- The link to RStudio (you need R as a basis)
- The link to the tiyverse
- The example notebook on GitHub, you definitely need R and RStudio for that!
- The data of John Hopkins University on GitHub
- The book by Hadley Wickham on Data Science with R, once as a free online book or here as a German book at Amazon+
- A general book on the basics of data analysis with R+; a big chunk, intended more as a general introduction. But I would always recommend Hadley’s book
- The book Fundamentals of Data Visualization+ by Claus O. Wilke is one of the best introductions to data visualization, and this book is also available online for free
- ggplot2 is part of the tidyverse, a very good introduction in addition to the general data science book by Wickham also comes from his pen, ggplot2 – Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis+
- As a general introduction to statistics, I recommend The Art of Statistics+ or Naked Statistics+, both very good and entertaining books (not only for statisticians)
- For aspiring data scientists, Practical Statistics for Data Scientists+ is also recommended
All links marked with + are affiliate links