Today I received a text message from T-Mobile, which I hadn’t looked at in view of the time difference and my drowsiness; that was a wise decision, because the news would have robbed me of sleep: The last bill is 445.07 euros. Of this, 171.25 euros are for incoming connections alone and surcharges for incoming connections abroad. I spent 4.91 euros on domestic calls, the rest is data and outgoing calls from abroad. For better or worse, I will now have to buy a mobile phone or at least a card for abroad, Compact or not 🙁 Cellity still doesn’t work for me, not even after I had all settings checked in a T-point (I couldn’t open a T-Mobile MMS at first). Actually, I didn’t want to pursue it any further, because in the end my computeritis had simply cost me too much time. But today I received an email from Cellity support, which refers to a thread for a similar mobile phone as my W 810i. but what I will do in any case: Every time someone from T-Mobile calls me abroad (and they do that very often), I tell the caller what the call is costing me; Most of the time they hang up on their own. Update I wrote an email to T-Mobile and got an answer within an hour (respect):
If you receive a call abroad, you will bear the costs of us determining your whereabouts and forwarding the call from the German T-Mobile network to the foreign mobile network – for example from T-Mobile USA.All network operators in the USA – including T-Mobile USA – also charge their own connection prices for incoming calls, over which we at T-Mobile Germany have no influence. Interestingly, by the way, it is the case in the States, as a colleague explained to me this morning, that as a mobile phone user you always pay, regardless of whether you call someone or are called! That explains the surcharge, because apparently I have to pay for it just like every American…