Asus eeePC: First experiences

This entry comes as a surprise to me as well, because on Thursday I had cancelled my order on Amazon due to the strange waiting time while other customers are being delivered, and actually I have something else to do this weekend than calling all the merchants or comparing exorbitant prices on eBay (I only have 46 hours in Germany this weekend). Of course, I followed Robert’s first conclusion with interest, as well as the comments on the relevant pages.

And then it happened. After an extensive family breakfast and the usual weekend errands, I was already walking slowly back to the car when I passed a shop window. And what did it say? A white Asus eeePC. Quickly to the door, crap, only open until 1 p.m., and 2 minutes later the door was of course locked. But there was still a nice young man in the shop, who opened the door for me. And yes, they not only had the device that was in the shop window, but also a wrapped one, which we both looked for and he finally found in a display case. 299.90 euros, not an exorbitant price. I raised the cash register again, pulled out my debit card, and then my sweetheart rushed into the store and asked what I had bought and whether it could still be undone, after all, I had been unsupervised. Too late. I have it.

I would now like to report how it is and so on. But I only had 5 minutes with the eeePC after it was unpacked. Tom and the strawberry jam bread with honey come first:

Asus eeePC: So close and yet so far

Johannes kindly provided the link to the Expert dealers in Germany in his blog, and after some phone calls and endless listening to monophonic music on hold, I finally found an Expert shop in Buxtehude, where the employee said that he had already seen such a small white device with Linux. The family was startled that we would have to leave IMMEDIATELY, and then we preferred to ask the seller again: Yes, of course, we have the Asus eeePC, but we won’t sell it until January 24th. No chance of getting it earlier. I can only pre-order it today. Amazon still shows March 8-11 as the delivery date.

In this bad weather, an unpacking ceremony would have been a nice change.