Blackberry Perl 8100

An article about a Blackberry? The Blackberry in the picture doesn’t belong to the Alby, does it? Didn’t he write that he never, never, never wants to have a Blackberry? To quote Adenauer, what bothers me about my chatter from yesterday. It’s mine. Well, not quite, it belongs to my employer. And I wished for it. Not because I have a different opinion about the Blackberry orphans, but because I spend a large part of my time not in an office, but on the road, on the way to the airport, on a plane, on the way to an office, in terminals, in hotels, and not everywhere there is a WLAN that you can easily access. It is very pleasant for me to come to the office and have already processed the emails and to be able to concentrate on work.

The article by Volker Weber in ct helped me with the whole story, I didn’t realize beforehand that you can choose either an enterprise model or a “free” model. Otherwise, I would have just bought one from T-Mobile, but that would have been absolutely pointless, because I need an Enterprise model. And this is not sold without a license. Pretty difficult everything, and the few euros for the ct were a good investment to avoid an expensive bad purchase.

My first impression: the keyboard takes a lot of getting used to, I had read that before, probably that’s why I wouldn’t have chosen this model myself, but it was chosen for me. The advantage, however, is that the device is very, very light. I also find the display of text very unaesthetic, especially since I saw the iPhone just last week, which is really very appealing. But otherwise the Blackberry solves my problem (often far away from the computer), and that’s good.

At this moment it is switched off, and it will remain so until tomorrow morning. And on weekends it remains switched off. I don’t want a Blackberry orphan.

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