Attention: Concentrate better

I missed out on a development that I now want to make up for, namely that of the tools for attention improvement. I don’t mean programs like Isolator or WriteRoom, but an external signal that acts as a kind of reminder that you wanted to focus on something. An example of this is the currently sold-out PowerSeed, actually a weight loss device that beeps or flashes every few minutes and reminds you while eating that you should check if you are still hungry ($49!!!). The idea that this device can also be used for other purposes is what Gordon Meyer came up with at 43 Folders.

In fact, software tools have been around for some time that give similar impulses, for example FlexTime, which Merlin Mann looked at a year and a half ago. I’m currently looking at FlexTime and will report if it helps me improve my concentration. But I find just under 19 dollars relatively high for such software.

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